Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 16

Roman Patricians were the rich landowners; they had the power. The Plebeians were the common people like farmers, artisans, and merchants; they were the majority of Roman society but had little to no power. The Patricians were similar to the aristocrats and the Plebeians were similar to the middle class in Greece.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 15

Republic- a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders

Patricians- wealthy landowners who held most of the power

Plebeians- the common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majr=ority of the population

Tribune-  Representative of the Plebians 

Consul- Similar to kings in that they had power; although it was limited. 

Senate- The aristocratic branch of the government 

Dictator- A leader who has absolute power

Legion- large military units 

Punic Wars- 3 wars fought between Rome and Carthage 

Hannibal- Carthaginian military strategist   

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 14-Essay Prep

Today we have to pick out a topic to write our essay on. My topic is to describe the three philosophers (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) impacts on Greek society and society today. In the first paragraph, I will state the question and give an introduction to greek philosophy. In the second paragraph, I will talk about Socrates' life and talk about what he did for philosophy in Athens. In the third paragraph, I will start by explaining how Socrates and Plato relate to each other. Then I will explain who Plato was and what he did. For my fourth paragraph, I will explain who Aristotle was and how he relates to the other two.  then I will continue by explaining his work and his effects on philosophy. In my last paragraph, I will go back to my original question and summarize everything that I wrote as a conclusion.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 13

Today we had to come up with 5 questions that would possibly be on our test.

1. What are the two main dramas in Greece?
     a. comedy and romance
     b. tragedy and romance
     c. romance and melodrama
     d. tragedy and comedy

2. Alexander the Great had a horse named ______.
    a. Thebes
    b. Bucephalus
    c. Phillip
    d. Crete

3. The plague that killed Pericles was called _______.
    a. The Plague of Greece
    b. The Swine Flu
    c. The Plague of Athens
    d. The Greek Flu

4. Socrates was a politician who led _______ through much of its Golden Age.
    a. Crete
    b. Sparta
    c. Athens
    d. Corinth

5. Which god was the ruler of heaven and earth?
    a. Zeus
    b. Posiden
    c. Apollo
    d. Dionysus

1. d
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. a

Friday, April 17, 2020

Day I Don't Know

Today we had to watch a video on Plato and his good and bad ideas. Then we had to answer some questions:

1. Forms are the ideal versions/concepts we see around us.
2. The three groups in Plato's ideal society were producers, the military, and rulers.
3. Plato was inconsistent with his thoughts on women, but he thought that they should be able to rule just as men do.
4. The Noble Lie was that we are all born with either gold, silver, or a mixture of iron and brass in our blood. Whichever one you had would determine your social status.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 11

So today we have to write poems and I decided to write a haiku. These poems are short so I wrote two.
                                                                 The Plague of Athens
                                                                        An epidemic
                                                                Loss of law and religion
                                                               Returned again and again

                                                                 The Unbreakable Bond
                                                                 Two friends, not the same
                                                            One was scared, one was fearless

Friday, April 3, 2020

Last Day Before Break!

So today we have to pick to greek pieces of architecture so I picked the Parthenon and Corinthian:

This is the Parthenon. It was a temple on the Athenian Acropolis and was dedicated to Athena. Its construction began in 447 BCE. It's an open building held up by pillars.  

Corinthians were founded in Corinth. It's a beautiful pillar design with complex details. Many famous building today have this pillar design worked into their architecture.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 9 i think?

1. The two main dramas that Greeks wrote were tragedy and comedy.
2. I don't remember the last movie I watched but I did watch A Midsummer Nights Dream in English so I guess I can do that. Similar to Greek drama, it was a comedy about love.
3. from this picture, you can see drama was very popular. There are lots of seats which leads you to assume that people came to watch theater a lot.

Last Assignment!

Hi Future Me, I think it's safe to say that this year has been full of crazy new experiences for me. Going into John Carroll I didn&#...