Monday, September 9, 2019

Blog Day 4

Today we started a powerpoint presentation about excellence. The thing that really stuck out to me today what when we started talking about Arete. Arete means excellence of any kind or acting to ones full potential. Then we started talking about how humans highest potential is knowledge and self-awareness. Humans are the most self-aware being on earth. We are able to comprehend distinct inevitable things such as heartbreak and death and joy. Other animals may not comprehend these things, so that makes us more developed mentally. We then got into a discussion about how we are more developed materialistically. We as a society have come so far with technology its kind of scary. Your whole online life is being monitored at every second and most people don't think it's strange. Like in the next few years we could have a chip connected to our spinal cord that does everything our phones and computers do without us having to do anything. If you think about it we will essentially have no use for the brain because everything will just be online.

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