Thursday, January 23, 2020

An Eye for An Eye

Today in class we went over the powerpoint and we got into talking about Hammurabi's Code. We took out our computers and started looking up some of the laws. Some of the laws were very interesting. For example:

  •  "If a man's wife, for the sake of another, has caused her husband to be killed, that woman shall be impaled"
  •  "If a man has committed incest with his daughter, that man shall be banished from the city."
  • "If a man has stolen a child, he shall be put to death."
These laws are just some of the ones that stuck out to me because they are very strange but only specific. It really makes you think about if these things happened often. We also talked about hoe influential these laws are. A lot of todays societies laws are based off of these laws

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