Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 6

Phillip ii was kidnapped and held hostage in Thebes at a young age. There he got a military and diplomatic education.  In 364 BCE Phillip returned to Macedon. The death of Phillips two older brothers, Alexander ii and Peridiccas iii, in 359 BCE allowed Phillip to take the crown. In 356 BCE Phillips 4th wife gave birth to his son Alexander the Great. In his early years, Alexander was raised by a nurse and was later tortured by his mother's relative Leonidas. When he was 10 he started training his horse Bucephalus. By the age of 13, Alexander was being tutored by Aristotle. Alexander proclaimed himself king at the age of 20, after the assassination of his father. In 334 BCE Alexander began his conquest of the Persian empire. After he gained control of Persia, he decided to go after Darius iii. Darius was born in 380 BCE and was originally named Artashata. The name Darius was adopted sometime around 330 BCE because it was more dynamic. His empire was unstable and eventually got taken over.

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