Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 8

So today our assignment is to reflect and analyze the points, Mr. Schick put in his blog. We are all facing a lot of new challenges because of cyber school. Teachers need to find new ways for students to learn material and students need to be able to teach themselves. Students have a lot of work that they get and its hard to put in 100% on everything we do. I know for me personally, I have about 6-7 hours of work a day. I know that doesn't seem like a lot because that's about an average school day, but coming into this I thought it would be a lot less work. I applaud the teachers because it must be hard coming up with new lesson plans and not being able to help kids face to face when they need it. Although cyber school is a setback, it can be beneficial. It gives students the opportunity to divulge in their studies more because we have more time. It also prepares students and teachers in case we have to do this again in the future.

1 comment:

  1. You have a good handle on this, Aeowynn. I think you have also found the method for being successful in Cyber School - be diligent, and stay on top of the assignments. Good luck, and enjoy your break!


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