Monday, May 11, 2020

Day 20

Settlers in Rome:

  • Etruscans-
    • Came from the central northern part of the peninsula
    • Were metalworkers, artists, and architects
  • Greeks-
    • Had many colonies around the Mediterranean Sea
    • Romans borrowed ideas from the Greeks such as:
      • religious beliefs
      • alphabet
      • art
      • weapons and military techniques 
  • Latins-
    • Descendants from the Indo-Europeans
    • Settled in the Tiber
    • Could navigate to Rome at the furthest 
    • ports were not susceptible to attack 
    • built on 7 hills 
Draining a swamp:
  • Many streams flowed into the Tiber
  • The Forum was a marshy area between Palatine and Capitoline Hills
  • Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built the largest ancient drain called Cloaca Maxima 
    • Cloaca Maxima channeled water into the Tiber 
Tarquin the Proud:
  • Full name was Lucius Tarquinias Superbus 
  • The 7th and last king of Rome
  • Had other names such as Tarquin the Proud and Tarquin the Arrogant
  • Seized power as a tyrant

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