Thursday, October 31, 2019

Im not dead yet

Today in class we finished the TedEd video and the we watched a video called "200 years in 4 minuets." The video starts off with Hans Rosling showing us an animated grid of all of the countries lifespans and GDP per capita from the year 1810. All of the countries were in the lower left corner, meaning the life expectancy was low and they didn't have a lot of money. Then a few of the countries started to move to the upper right corner, meaning they are getting richer snd living longer. The two countries in from for a majority of the time were the Uk and the Netherlands. This is mainly because of the Industrial Revolution starting to develop these countries. As the years go on, all of the countries start to be more developed with an exception of most African countries. This is because these countries haven't had their industrial revolution yet. As the graph comes to the most recent data (as of 2009) most countries are in the top right corner meaning they are living long healthy lives and have a booming economy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Population Pyramids pt. 2

Today in class we finished reviewing our test. After that Mr. Schick put on a TedEd video about population pyramids. We learned that population pyramids are split by se and age: men always being on the left and women always being on the right. The pyramids are grouped by the pre-reproductive (0-14), reproductive (15-44), and post-reproductive (45+). As a country moves from pre-industrial society to a post-industries economy, the life expectancy increases.When birth and death rates are both low, the population remains stable.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Population Pyramids

Today in class we got our test back and I actually didn't do that bad. I definitely think I could have done better but I didn't do bad. I definitely think I was prepared for this test and I'm happy with my grade. We also started taking notes on Population Pyramids while Charlotte took her test. Here are some of the notes I took. Population Pyramids are split between the two sexes and range from ages 0-100+. Population Pyramids help predict future trends in population but also past population as well. As a  country moves from a preindustrial to a post industrial economy, the life expectancy decreases.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Test Day!!!!!!!!!!!

So today was test day and my title sounds really excited, just think of it as sarcasm. When we got the test and started looking up the answers it really wasn't that hard. The only remotely difficult part was remembering how to find the rate of natural increase (rni). The very last question on the test was a bonus question and i took a complete guess off of something I remember my mother tell me when I told her that we were learning about population and settlement. After the test was over i went to my locker and finished my Intro to Bible and English homework. Then i started writing this so that's pretty fun. Overall i think i did really well on the test. I need to get my grade up to an A so hopefully the test will help with that.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Test Review Day

Today in class we went over the PowerPoint again for a review before our test tomorrow. Mr. Schick asked us to make up questions for the test so he could add them. He also gave us one of the questions so we could look for the answers beforehand so I'm going to write my answer in todays blog. I think two countries with pull forces would be France and the United States. France is the most visited country in the world because of the culture and sights. This generally attracts companies who are looking for profits. With companies moving their headquarters to France, there is going to be a need for jobs. The United States has many pull and push forces but today I'm going to be focused on pull forces. Some of these are job opportunities, good healthcare, and for the most part, religious freedom. Some places with push forces are Iraq and Iran. Push forces for these countries are the fact that there's no religious freedom and there's wars breaking out.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Today in class we reviewed last nights homework. Some of the statistics we discovered were interesting to me. Like the one about China and India having a higher population than the United States.  I just find it weird how India has almost 1 billion more people but the United States is almost three times bigger. I also found it interesting that the word has 1.201 billion people without electricity. That just amazes me because it seems like so many people have electricity and it's hard to imagine what life would be like without it.  Because we don't have class tomorrow im going to study for my test on Friday.

Monday, October 21, 2019

CIA worldfactbook

1. The population of China is 1.4 billion and India has 1.2 billion.

2. The total fertility rate in Japan is 1.42.

3. The death rate in El Salvador is 5.8.

4. The percentage of the french that identify as having no religion is 23-28%. This may not be accurate because the French haven't collected data on religious standings since 1872.

5. 82.7% of Mexicans identify as Roman Catholics.

6.The GDP of the US is  59,800.

7. The GDP of Nigeria is 5,900.

8. The GDP of Luxembourg is 105,100.

9.There is a total of 246,809,221 people in the US using the internet.

10. There are 1,218 airports in Russia and 13,513 airports in the US.

11. 1.201 billion people in the world don't have electricity.

12. In Canada the infant mortality rate is 4.5, in Cuba it is 4.4 and in the US it is 5.7.

13. The literacy rate for Afghanistan is:

  • total- 38.2%
  • men- 52%
  • women- 24.2%
14. The top three countries with the highest life expectancy are Monaco, Japan, and Singapore.

15. The countries that have the lowest life expectancy are Lesotho, Zambia, and Afghanistan.

16. Monaco has the 16th highest Net Migration Rate.

17. The unemployment rates for these three countries are 
  • Vietnam- 7.3%
  • South Korea- 10.4%
  • United States- 8.6%
18. The GDP spent on defense for these three countries are
  • Germany- 1.24%
  • China- 1.8%
  • Untied States- 3.16%
19. The countries that produce the most crude oil are
  • United States- 10,962,000 bbl/day
  • Russia- 10,795,000 bbl/day
  • Saudi Arabia- 10,425,000 bbl/day
20. The countries that import the most crude oil are
  • United States- 7,969,000 bbl/day
  • China- 6,710,000 bbl/day
  • India- 4,057,000 bbl/day
21. The percentage of what the world speaks is
  • Spanish- 6%
  • Chinese- 12.3%
  • English- 5.1%

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Men Do Stupid Things

We covered a lot in class today. We started off by talking about Life expectancy. Men tend to have a shorter life expectancy than women do. There are many reasons for this. One of them is that men tend to do more reckless things than women. Crude birth rate and crude death rate. Crude birth rate is the number of births per 1000 people and crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people. Immigration is the excess of persons entering a country and is written as a positive number. Emigration is the excess of persons leaving a country. For example as of last year Mexico's emigration rate was -3.11. This means that over the years more and more people are leaving Mexico to live in other countries. We also talked about push and pull forces. A push force is something that would push people away from going to a country. Some examples of push forces are civil wars, unemployment, or religious/ethnic persecution. On the contrary, pull forces are things that would make people want to go to a country. Some examples of pull forces are better healthcare, better economic opportunities, and religious/political freedom.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Life Expectancy

Today in class we talked about life expectancy. Life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. We talked about why the life expectancy rate may be different for people our age compared to people older than us. Some factors that may contribute to this are more advanced medicine, drugs, unhealthy eating habits, and diseases. For example, medicine is always changing so the "modern medicine" from when our grandparents were kids is less advanced than how it is now. There is also a higher use of drugs in our generation compared to past generations.

Friday, October 11, 2019

New Chapter

Today class was only 40 minutes because of the pep rally and powder puff game so we didn't really get to start the Power Point. The new chapter we started was called Population and Settlement. First Mr. Schick made us write down words and questions that we will answer when we get farther into the Power Point.  We learned that there are 7.6 billion people on the plant right now. That averages out to about 73 million people being born per year. We also learned that 90% of the worlds growth in population comes from under-developing countries like South Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Move Clocks Back Like Beyonce

Today we got our tests back and I got a 70% which isn't that good but its not like terrible i guess. Im not upset about it though because I definitely know I could do better if i had studied more.We went over the tests to correct what we got wrong so when exams come around, we will have the right information to study. Mr. Schick gave us 2 extra credit points because we didn't go over two of the slides, one on UTC and one on Daylight Savings Time. So that boosts my grade to like a 72% or something. I don't really think that's going to do something but who knows.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Test Day pt. 2

Today was our test on maps and longitude and latitude and that stuff. I actually think I did pretty good on it. There was only like 2 that I didn't know so I just kind of guessed. I don't want to sound cocky and say that I got a 100 because the last time I said that I didn't then I sounded stupid. Anyways Mr. Schick put in our quiz grades and I got a 4/10 which I was expecting because I didn't know like any of the answers. I found most of the things on the test easy like the questions about the time zones. The only thing I really found kind of hard were the last two questions which I think I git wrong.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Pop Quizzz

So today we finished our debates and everyone in my group (the undecided) opted on to just keep time zones which I agree with. I just think that it's kind of pointless to abolish them when we've spent so much time and effort into reinforcing them. the other group made some good points, but the group that said we should keep them won me over. Anyways we also had a pop quiz which i'm pretty sure I failed. We also have a test tomorrow so that means i have to study a lot tonight so I can be prepared to do well.

Friday, October 4, 2019

A Heated Time Zone Debate

Ok so today in class we did our time zone debate. As we ended our discussion I'm leaning more towards the side that we should keep time zones. I do see the benefits in abolishing time zones but, I think it would just be more practical to keep them. Because the world is already using time zones it would be hard to get everyone to get on board with the idea of abolishing them. Even if we were to abolish time zones and have a 24 hour clock, the sun would still rise/set for different parts of the world so it's kind of pointless.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Time Zone Debate

Today in class we broke up into three groups depending on if we think we should keep time zones, abolish them, or if you don't have an opinion on it. The point of this was that we are going to debate on Friday against each other. I was in the group that doesn't have an opinion because I think both sides have good arguments. Although we didn't have a set opinion we still had to  take notes on both sides of the argument. From the information that we gathered I'm leaning towards they should stay how they are but who knows maybe that will change on Friday.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Quiz Day

So we had a quiz today and I actually think I did good on it which is good. We finished the Grids and Time Zones PowerPoint. Time zones are regions on the globe that observes a standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. Time zones usually follows the boundaries of countries because its more convenient for areas in  close commertial communication to keep the same time. Time zones are split up by hours, with an exception of Australia who has a 30 minuets buffer. Most of these time zones are messed up due to them going through cities so there's really no point in them at all.

Last Assignment!

Hi Future Me, I think it's safe to say that this year has been full of crazy new experiences for me. Going into John Carroll I didn...