Thursday, October 31, 2019

Im not dead yet

Today in class we finished the TedEd video and the we watched a video called "200 years in 4 minuets." The video starts off with Hans Rosling showing us an animated grid of all of the countries lifespans and GDP per capita from the year 1810. All of the countries were in the lower left corner, meaning the life expectancy was low and they didn't have a lot of money. Then a few of the countries started to move to the upper right corner, meaning they are getting richer snd living longer. The two countries in from for a majority of the time were the Uk and the Netherlands. This is mainly because of the Industrial Revolution starting to develop these countries. As the years go on, all of the countries start to be more developed with an exception of most African countries. This is because these countries haven't had their industrial revolution yet. As the graph comes to the most recent data (as of 2009) most countries are in the top right corner meaning they are living long healthy lives and have a booming economy.

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