Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Test Prep

So we have a test on Thursday so basically the whole class we went over what to study. It was basically all the stuff I assumed would be on it so I should be okay. Other than that, we continued with the Greece PowerPoint. Here are some of the notes I took:


  • a tyrant who ruled from 527-510 BCE
  • his brother was murdered and his rule became harsh
  • was eventually ostracized from Athens
  • revenge- he began working with the Persian King Darius l, helping him invade Marathon
With Hippias gone, Isagoras and Cleisthenes were battling to be next in charge

Isagoras- had the support of the aristocrats and Sparta
Cleisthenes- had the support of the common people (the majority of Athens)

  •  wins and becomes a tyrant
  • ostracized Cleisthenes
    • Cleisthenes' supporters revolted
    • supporters trapped Isagoras for 2 days
      • on the 3rd day, he escaped and was banished

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