Friday, February 21, 2020

pop quiz?

So today we had a pop quiz. And I know I asked Mr. Schick to give us one and I didn't think he actually would so I didn't really look over my notes at all this week. But it turns out I got pranked. I don't think I did bad on the quiz. I got like an 80 I think or something around that, so my grade basically stayed the same. Anyways after that, we started taking notes so here are some of them:

Democracy & Greece's Golden Age:

Golden Age of Athens= 477- 431BCE (50 years)
Pericles led Athens for 32 years (461- 429)

3 goals:

  1. to strengthen Athenian democracy
  2. to hold and strengthen the empire 
  3. to glorify Athens 
Stronger Democracy:
  • Pericles increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries
  • Athens had more citizens engaged in self-government than any other city-state 
direct democracy- a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives.

 Athenian Empire:
  • After the defeat of the Persians, Athens helped organize the Delian Leauge 
  • Athens eventually took over and all the city-states included in it
  • Pericles used money earned to support the navy
Glorifying Athens:
  • Pericles used some money to beautify Athens 
  • bought gold, ivory, and marble
  • some money went to artists, architects, and workers who used the materials 
Art and Agriculture:
  • The Parthenon
    • a masterpiece in architectural design 
    • 23,000 square feet
    • built to honor Athena 
    • Mostly sculpted by Phidias 
  • Many sculptors tried to capture reak emotions 
  • They wanted to portray the beauty not realism 

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